Learn all about a Scindapsus Jade Satin houseplant. I share tips and tricks for how I keep my two plants healthy and happy. Also, I show you how I style and use my two plants to decorate the house.

While I love all my plants, Scindapsus Jade Satin has to be one of my favorites. I saw it in a shop and upon touching the leaves, I knew I wanted it right away. When I bought it, I didn't know it was a rare houseplant. I only later realized that I was incredibly lucky to buy the last one on the shelf that day.
Scindapsus Jade Satin is a gorgeous plant that looks and feels unique to the touch. The rich green leaves are deep with color. Moreover, this unassuming plant complements any space.
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Appearance of Scindapsus Jade Satin
One unique feature of the Scindapsus Jade Satin is its gorgeous thick green leaves. The leaves start out a spring jade shade of green. But as the leaves mature, they take on a rich forest green hue. In young leaves, you can see the patterns made by the beautiful dark green veins too.
True to its name, the leaves really do feel like soft satin. They also feel a bit like leather; firm but still pliable. The leaves are semi-matte, and give off the same sheen as an eggshell paint finish.
The largest leaves I have on my Scindapsus Jade Satin plants are a bit bigger than my palm. This is a vining plant, and the leaves grow about one inch apart.

Scindapsus Jade Satin Plant Care
Scindapsus Jade Satin is fairly easy to care for, but it can be a bit finicky with change. The two basic requirements:
- Light: Bright, indirect light
- Water: Water when the top 1-2'' of the soil feel dry.
There are a few special considerations that I've noticed about this plant.
Light Requirements for Scindapsus Jade Satin
Scindapsus Jade Satin does best with bright indirect light. Both of mine grow noticeably better in a brighter environment.
Loves Indirect Light from a South or West Facing Window
I have one of my plants on a shelf that is about four feet away from a giant south facing window. It gets very weak angled direct sunlight for about one hour a day too.
My second plant is in a wall planter, in the corner of a south facing sliding door and a west facing window. This plant does not receive any direct sun, but it's in a bright spot in the house.
I have tried keeping this plant a room with a big north facing sliding door. However, it wasn't as happy in that location. As such, try to keep this plant in the south west part of the house where it gets brighter light.
Because the leaves of the Scindapsus Jade Satin are tender, keep the plant away from harsh direct sunlight. The sun will burn the leaves, which will cause unsightly marks.
Pot Size
The plant on my plant shelf is in a 6'' pot. I find that the roots of this Scindapsus do not like to be too crowded. When the roots start to get too crowded, certain stems start struggling. Older leaves start to drop too.
My plant in the wall planter is potted in a 16oz clear plastic cup. There are two established stems in that pot, and I can already see the roots starting to circle around. I used to have a third stem in the wall planter, but it couldn't compete with the two more established stems. I ended up taking the third stem out.
Scindapsus roots also do not like soggy soil. The roots will quickly rot if they stay too wet. So, while the roots do not like to be crowded, the pot also cannot be too large. It can take some trial and error to get these potted correctly.
Bottom Watering
I try to always bottom water my Scindapsus Jade Satin. That simply means letting the water come up to the roots through the bottom drainage hole.
To bottom water, set the pot in a bowl full of water. For both plants, fill the outer bowl of water about 2-3'' deep. The water should go just about halfway up the pot. Then, I let the plant soak up the water from the drainage hole for about five minutes.
I think bottom watering works best for this plant because it does not like to be overwatered. It's harder to overwater a plant when bottom watering because the soil will soak up just enough water.
Another benefit of bottom watering a plant is that it's less likely for pests and gnats to live in the soil.

How to Style a Scindapsus Jade Satin
Since a Scindapsus Jade Satin is so gorgeous on its own, this plant fits in well most anywhere in any home.
Type of Pot
Let the naturally gorgeous leaves of a Scindapsus Jade Satin take the spotlight. As such, I use plain and simple pots for my two plants. Both my plants are in white pots, which I think really highlight the rich forest green of the leaves.
Because Scindapsus do not like wet roots, make sure your pot has a drainage hole. Both of my plants are in inner pots that I remove when I bottom water the plants.
Shaping the Plant
Scindapsus Jade Satin is a relatively slow grower. It's great for styling because it won't change much, and it won't need to be repotted frequently.
The leaves trail and vine out. Because of the way it grows, that you can also put this plant in a hanging basket. Furthermore, you can grow it with a moss pole and allow it to climb up.
Also, it's possible to prune this plant, if you find it necessary. Simply trim off the top couple of inches from a stem. Don't forget to propagate that stem too.
Personally, I like to keep my Scindapsus Jade Satin in a simple pot on a shelf. Since the plant is not too tall, it fits nicely between two shelves.
Similarly, this plant works great for a wall planter. You can see that I didn't leave much space between the wall planters. That's because this plant doesn't grow fast, and it will vine out and down.
Looking for minimalistic wall planters? This set is easy to hang and has great reviews.

Where to Buy
Scindapsus Jade Satin is a rare houseplant. I bought mine at a local plant shop, and paid $50 for a plant in a 6'' pot. It came with several stems. After about a year of letting it grow, I separated out a few stems from the original pot for my wall planter.
Reasons to Love a Scindapsus Jade Satin
Scindapsus Jade Satin is a lovely plant that beautifies any room in the house.
- Gorgeous dark forest green leaves
- Interesting vein patterns on new leaves
- Incredible texture that gives the plant a beautiful eggshell sheen
- Multiple ways to style it, including keeping in a pot, hanging basket, or wall planter
Love this plant? Also check out these similar houseplants: Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight - Sterling Silver and Scindapsus Pictus Exotica.
As always please let me know if you have any questions below.

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